Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Eyes Have It!

I recently had an eye exam and was told I needed to change the way I perceive things.  So I decided to rid myself of contacts and go back to glasses.  With this change I decided I wouldn’t see things as black or white, good or bad, high or low, in or out, perfect or….well, I think I can make an exception as to how I perceive myself on that one.

So, with this new outlook, I started looking around and wanted to share my new view of my world.  Because when you change your perception, you can change the outcome.  Here’s my list:

Item                                                      Old Perception                                 New Perception

Flood in Davenport                            Disaster                                              Front and backyard pool

My Body                                              Droopy Everything                           Proving Gravity Exists

Political Ads                                         Shoot Me                                           Paying for a DVR is great

Mammograms                                    Discomfort                                         Reminds me how I love
Children                                               I take care of them                          They will take care of me

Pickleball                                             Great exercise                                   A way to pop a tendon

Sex                                                        Great exercise                                  Female.  What you check on

Parking Lots                                        Place to park your car                      Great exercise looking for
                                                                                                                           said car

Airplane Travel                                   Irritable Bowel Syndrome               AMTRAK is my friend

Sleep                                                     What I used to get                           Chance to eat 3 more times

Crocheting Doilies                              What old people do                         What vibrant age advancing
                                                                                                                            people do

AARP                                                     What me?                                          Me

Words with Friends                           Good Challenge                                 Losing is Fun….sure!

Losing Body Hair                                OMG!                                                   Ooh La La

Going Gray                                          Getting Old Sucks                              Blondes have more fun. 

Forgetfulness                                     Fear of Dementia                               Great excuse for

And the list goes on, but I don’t.  The point is, I am trying to see the world in a new way.  The world as a beautiful place, filled with beautiful people loving and laughing, helping one another, doing no harm, working together as one people, no preconceived notions, no disease and no hatred.  I think they call that smoking weed.  And since I don’t live in a state where that is legal, I’ll just have to wear my new glasses and do what I can to make MY world a better place.  Join me?